Coenzyme Q10 for heart health

Coenzyme Q10, a natural substance produced by the body, belongs to a family of compounds called quinones. When it was first isolated, in 1957, scientists called it ubiquinone because it was ubiquitous in nature. In fact coenzyme Q10 is found in all living creatures and is also concentrated in many foods, including nuts and oils. In the past decade coenzyme Q10 has become one of the most popular dietary supplements around the world. Proponents of the nutrient use it to maintain general good health as well as to treat heart disease and a number of other serious conditions. Some clinicians believe that it is so important in maintaining the normal functioning of the body that it should be dubbed “vitamin Q”.

What it does

The primary function of coenzyme Q10 is as a catalyst for metabolism – the complex chain of chemical reactions during which food is broken down into packets of energy that the body can use. Acting in conjunction with enzymes (hence the name “coenzyme”) the compound speeds up the metabolic process, providing energy that the cells need to digest food, heal wounds, maintain healthy muscles and perform countless other bodily functions. The nutrient has an essential role in energy production, so it is not surprising that it is found in every cell in the body. Especially abundant in the energy-intensive cells of the heart, it helps this organ to beat more that 100 000 times each day. In addition coenzyme Q10 acts as an antioxidant, much like vitamins C and E, helping to neutralise the ce–damaging molecules known as free radicals.

Coenzyme Q10 mau have a role in preventing cancer, heart attacks and other diseases linked to free-radical damage. It is also used as an energy enhancer and anti-ageing supplement. Levels of the compound reduce with age (and with certain diseases), so some doctors recommend starting daily supplementation at about the age of 40.

Major benefits

Coenzyme Q10 has generated much excitement as a possible therapy for heart disease patients, especially those suffering from heart failure or weakened hearts. In some studies patients with poorly functioning hearts improved greatly after adding the supplement to their conventional drugs and therapies. Other studies have shown that people with cardiovascular disease have low levels of this substance in their hearts. Further research suggests that coenzyme Q10  may protect against blood clots, reduce blood pressure, diminish irregular heartbeats, treat mitral valve prolapse, lessen symptoms of Raynaud’s disease (poor circulation in the extremities) and relieve chest pains (angina). But it is intended as a complement to –  not as a replacement for – conventional medical treatments. Do not take this nutrient in place of heart drugs or other prescribed medications.

In a major study in Italy of more than 2500 patients with heart failure, 80% showed improvement when a daily dose of 100 mg of coenzyme Q10 was added to their other treatment. They had better colour and less ankle swelling (oedema) and shortness of breath, and began to sleep better after taking the supplement for 90 days.

Additional benefits

It also appears to aid healing and reduce pain and bleeding in those with gum disease, and to speed recovery following oral surgery.

Certain practitioners believe that the nutrient helps to stabilise blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. There are many other claims made for the supplement: that it slows ageing, aids weight loss, enchances athletic performance, combats chronic fatigue syndrome, relieves multiple allergies and boosts immunity. More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 for these and other conditions.

Guidelines for use

The general dosage is 50 mg twice a day. Higher dosages of 100 mg twice a day may be useful for heart or circulatory disorders, or for Alzheimer’s disease and other specific complaints.

Take a supplement morning and evening, ideally with food to enhance absorption. Coenzyme Q10 should be continued over a long period; it may require eight weeks or longer for results to be noticed.

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