
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder and can be caused by anything from anxiety to an uncomfortable bed. Insomnia can also disturb the daily feeling – there is fatigue, the desire to sleep

What it is 

Many people think of insomnia as an inability to fall asleep. It also encompasses an inability to stay asleep and / or repeatedly waking up earlier than planned. Sleep problems that last a couple of nights or a few weeks are often related to stress or excitement, but in some cases insomnia can become chronic, lasting for months or even years.


  • Difficulty falling asleep.  
  • Inability to stay asleep.
  • Repeatedly waking up too early.

What causes it

Insomnia is considered a symptom of many underlying and often hard-to-recognise conditions or situations. Dietary and lifestyle factors, a major illness, medication, physical pain and even bad mattress can all contribute to sleeplessness. For most people, tension and anxiety and depression lie at the root of insomnia. Discovering the basic cause or causes of your sleep problems may take some detective work, but it is ultimately the best way to bring about a cure.

How supplements can help

The supplements listed should provide immediate relief from insomnia. Unless otherwise stated, most can be used together, and should be taken about 45 minutes before bed. Firstly, try one remedy at a time to see whether it works for you

Numerous studies have found that valerian – one of the most researched of all herbal supplements – is an effective sleep aid. This herb promotes relaxation and reduces stress, making it easier to fall asleep.

In some instances a nutrient deficiency, particularly a lack of calcium, magnesium or vitamin B6, can lead to sleep problems, replenishing these nutrients often eases the problem. The B vitamin niacin, taken with B6, helps to ease anxiety (niacin should be bought in the form of nicotinamide). It may be helpful to try magnesium or B6 along with 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) – a derivate of the amino acid tryptophan, which raises levels of the sleep-inducing chemical, serotonin. 5-HTP is a good alternative to herbal remedies.

Other plants commonly used to aid sleep include Californian poppy, hops, lemon balm, lime flowers, vervain and wild lettuce. Add 200 ml of boiling water to about 10 grams of your chosen dried herb or a mixture of the herbs, infuse for 10 minutes and strain. Drink before bedtime.

Supplement recommendations

Annus Soovitused
Valerian 1-2 tablets conatining a 400 mg extract take before going to bed – start with the lower dose and increase as needed
Calcium 500 mg take before going to bed, with food
Magnesium 250 mg take before going to bed, with food
Vitamin B6 / Niacin 50 mg B6 ja 500 mg nicotinamide (niacin) take together before going to bed
Chamomile 2 teaspoons of dried herb in a cup of tea mild enough to use each evening with other sedating supplements


Recent findings

More than 200 studies have found valerian effective against insomnia. A group of Swiss researches recently reported that people who took the herb fell asleep faster and stayed asleep longer than those given a placebo.

A 16-week study of healthy adults (aged 50-76) with moderate sleep problems, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, concluded that up to 40 minutes of vigorous walking four times a week helped participants not only to fall asleep but also to sleep soundly through the night.


Facts & Tips

  • Avoid natural sleep aids alongside conventional sedative drugs; excessive drowsiness may result.  
  • Avoid stimulating herbs that keep you awake, such as ginseng, guarana, kola nut and ginger.  
  • Health authorities in Germany and other countries recognise chamomile, valerian and other herbal sedatives as medications.  

What else you can do 

  • Stick to regular sleep schedule, even at the weekends.  
  • Use our bed only for sleeping, not for reading or watching television.
  • Exercise regularly (though not in the evening) to help reduce stress.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.
  • Try meditation, during the day and before retiring.
  • Before going to bed have a leisurely hot bath containing 10 drops of lavender oil.
  • Have a bedtime drink of hot milk sweetened with honey.
  • Try sleeping on a pillow filled with relaxing herbs.

See your doctor if:

  • your insomnia lasts a month or more with no obvious cause.
  • sleeping problems follow a traumatic event, such as the loss of a job or a loved one.
  • you feel tired most of the time and frequently dose off during the day.
  • you are so tired that you cannot function properly.

REMINDER – If you have a medical condition, consult your doctor before taking supplements. 

Reference: Practitioner´s Guide to Nutritional Supplements

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