High Quality Food Supplements from Great Britain

Our quality features

Lamberts ensures the efficiency of the product by guaranteeing the correct concentration of active ingredients and the correct dosing.
The raw materials comes only from carefully-selected and certified sellers and is purified, inspected, and tested.
All products are of an appropriate effect and strength, and are compliant with the scientific principles which are being applied today.
Lamberts carefully inspects the processing of our raw materials to ensure its safety to human health and animals, and also its sustainable effect on the environment.
Lamberts has more than thirty-five years of experience in the production and use of food supplements.
Customer feedback
The Lamberts Maxi-Hair vitamins are simply wonderful! Hair does indeed grow faster and even the hairdresser was amazed by the amount of baby hair. As I haven't even used up the first jar yet, the results have come very quickly for me. Maiken V.
Maxi-Hair complex for healthy hair
Customer feedback
I happened to read about the benefits of alpha lipoic acid and started looking for where to buy the product. Google immediately suggested me the website of Lamberts. I got acquainted with your other products as well and, after reading the description of Bromelain, I was sure that I would like to try it. Since the gardening season is starting and my back is stiff from digging every year, I ordered the product even before the gardening season. Unbelievable, but this year there are no problems with my back or legs. You might be a little tired in the evening, but the next morning you won't even realize that you did a lot of physical work the day before. Even after training, the muscles are no longer sore. It is also good for metabolism. The weight drops slowly but steadily. I will definitely use it again. For a year, my one of my legs also hurt from the hip below after long walks. All the pain is gone. I cannot associate it with anything other than bromelain and alpha lipoic acid. In addition to the above, I have been using your linseed oil for the same amount of time. Olga
Alpha Lipoic Acid 300mg
Customer feedback
I use Colladeen Derma Plus primarily to improve skin health. I spend a lot of time in different weather conditions, and I also get exposed to a lot of sun in the summer months. Thanks to Colladeen Derma Plus, I can take care of my skin and hopefully it will help protect against all kinds of pigmentation or other skin problems. Regina Oja, Biathlete
Colladeen® Derma Plus
Kvertsetiin 500 mg
Customer feedback
When it comes to food supplements, my favourite is Lamberts, who I also cooperate with and whose advice I follow. For example, in the treatment of prostate inflammation during the inactive period of inflammation, I use the herbal preparation quercetin in addition to the treatment, which is often mentioned in advice for prostatitis treatment as supportive treatment, as it reduces inflammatory processes and is a strong antioxidant. Dr. Gennadi Timberg, Senior urologist at Lääne Tallinn Central Hospital
Quercetin 500mg
Customer feedback
BCAA capsules - for me reliable and necessary helpers in recovery from training. With regular BCAA consumption, post-workout muscle fatigue and pain are less frequent, I recover much faster and will thus be able to exert maximum effort again in the next training session. Liis Rosenthal, Bikini athlete
BCAA – Branch Chain Amino Acids
Customer feedback
The ALL IN ONE sports shake powder is a great-tasting sports drink that I use immediately after heavy training sessions to get the high-quality protein I need. The product also contains just the right amount of different micronutrients and amino acids, all of which promote efficient recovery. Kalev Ermits, Former biathlete / professional trainer
ALL IN ONE Chocolate Flavored Sports Shake powder
Customer feedback
Struggling with skin problems, the natural complex of Lamberts which supports collagen generation seemed to be my last option and, miraculously, I did overcome my skin problems. Initially, I completed a 2-month course (2 pills a day) and now I continue to take 1 pill a day to maintain the good condition of my skin. I highly recommend it for those who have problems with acne! Margreth A.
Maximum Strength Colladeen®
Customer feedback
I have tried one of your products, Pure Evening Primrose Oil, and I am very satisfied with it. Even my hairdresser noticed that my hair has become stronger after a month of pure evening primrose oil treatment. When it comes to other products, I can't talk about the results yet, because I've only used them a little. I will remain your customer and will take a look at your online store when I need something to boost my health. Epp K.
Pure Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg
Customer feedback
The Omega 3-6-9 fish oil 1200 mg N120, vitamins for children, omega-3 fish oil capsules and multivitamins. All these products are of a very high quality. In the last few years, when my child and I have taken them, we have not been ill. The dosing of the vitamins is clear and simple. As there is such an opportunity, I am happy and willing to order and take them. I am also happy share my experience and recommend the products of Lamberts to my family and friends. Natalja K.
Omega 3-6-9 Fish Oil capsules
Tootepilt |  | Lamberts Eesti
Customer feedback
I use Lamberts products: slow-release vitamin C, vitamin D, and magnesium. First of all, ordering products from the website is easy and convenient and the delivery time of the products is quite short. I feel that your products really work and I have also not noticed any side effects which I have experienced before with the products of other manufacturers. Even the vitamin D drops for babies did not cause gas, which others have done so far. Jaanus S.
Time release Vitamin C 1000mg
Tootepilt | Magneesium (tsitraat) 150 mg MagAsorb® | Lamberts Eesti
Customer feedback
The MagAbsorb magnesium powder - very satisfied with this product. I will definitely order again. Powerful turmeric. Caused side effects in two users, although I have to admit I was already aware of them before ordering. Milk thistle - used as an aid to clean the liver in cancer patients. Good product. Powerful collagen. I am satisfied. I will definitely order again. Iron tablets (citrate). Always needed. I will probably order as well. The glucosamine and chondroitin complex. I have to admit that I noticed a difference in how I felt after using it. I should start taking them again. Quercetin and L-lysine - too early to express an opinion. Piret
MagAsorb® Magnesium (as Citrate) 150mg
Customer feedback
I am slightly allergic to seafood products. I was happy to discover in an online search that you offer plant-based glucosamine in Estonia, which is what I need. I have used it many times now and I have come to the conclusion that it actually helps with joint problems. Thank you! Peeter V.
Glucosamine Complete
Customer feedback
The probiotics, sports multivitamins, and minerals of Lamberts are great helpers. Competitions and training often take me travelling, hotel meals are constantly changing and, in the periods of heavy training/matches, my digestive system is constantly under stress, but the probiotics of Lamberts help a lot. It's also not always possible to eat very healthily when travelling to different places, so I feel much better when I support my body with a complex of vitamins and minerals. Saskia Alusalu - endine kiiruisutaja
Probiotics Acidophilus Extra 10
Tootepilt | Magneesium (tsitraat) 150 mg MagAsorb® | Lamberts Eesti
Customer feedback
Assessing the effect of supplements is often based on scientific research and it is not always easy to evaluate a short-term, tangible result. The two products in the case of which I can state based on my own experience that there has been a real effect are MagAsorb and All In One. MagAsorb puhul on koheselt tunnetatav lihaskrampide ja ületoonuse vähenemine. Sprinteritel on tihti probleeme nendega reie tagaküje lihastes ja efekt paremuse poole on tunda juba peale mõnekordset tablettide võtmist. All In One puhul on tegu väga mugava komplektiga, kus on koheselt peale treeningut olemas kreatiin, aminohapped, süsivesikud ja valgud. Ettevalmistushooaja alguses ma üldjuhul ei kasuta spordijoogipulbreid, sest puhkuselt tagasi tulles on treeningud kergemad ja keha ei vaja veel nii "teravat" kütust. Esimeste taastumisraskuste esinemisel on All In One väga hea vahend igale aktiivsele inimesele viimaks oma taastumine treeningutest uuele tasemele. Kellel on magus hammas šokolaadi maitse järele, siis All In One lahustub väga hästi ja on kergesti omastatav maitsemeeltele ka peale väga rasket treeningut. Jaak-Heinrich Jagor - endine tõkkejooksja
ALL IN ONE Chocolate Flavored Sports Shake powder
Customer feedback
My three favourite products are BCAA, Glucosamine Complete, and Multi-Guard Sport Performance! I've been taking vitamins daily for 1.5-2 months now, and at first I didn't realise I felt any different, but then I discovered that everyone around me was sick and ill. I, on the other hand, was going to the gym twice a day and didn't even feel tired! BCAAs help recovery so fast that I don't even feel much muscle soreness (unless I've been doing hip lifts at 120 kg)! Glucosamine supports my dear knees which have to cope with a lot of stress! Multi-Guard Performance contains 26 different vitamins and minerals, so my body doesn't have to deal with fatigue and I can just focus on training! Liis Velsker - harrastussportlane
Multi-Guard® Sport vitamin and mineral complex
Customer feedback
I use Lamberts Q10 capsules on a daily basis before workouts to improve the energy output of by body and strengthen the functioning of my cardiovascular system. It also acts as an antioxidant. I use BCAA capsules after each workout, depending on the intensity of the workout. After more intense workouts, up to 8 capsules in addition to the All In One recovery drink. I use the vitamin B complex daily during the training and competition season. There is probably no doubt about the usefulness of vitamins group vitamins and folic acid, especially in endurance sports. The Lamberts vitamin B complex has everything in sufficient quantities. Kauri Kõiv - endine laskesuusataja
Co-Enzyme Q10 30mg