About Us

We are the official distributor, representative and online store owner of United Kingdom’s leading food supplement manufacturer Lamberts Healthcare Ltd. in the Baltic States.

Lamberts® has a long-term clinical experience in product development, production and practice, so we can guarantee the highest purity, quality and efficiency of the products.

Lamberts Baltic, which unites the three Baltic States, was founded by a specialist in its field, a pharmacist, and that is why people’s health, healthy lifestyle and balance are very important to us.

Our small but very professional family includes pharmacists, nutritionists and other professionals who all believe and know that it is important to work together and support your body and mind to achieve the health balance you need in life.

Our goal is to introduce people to various ways to take care of their health, to help them choose the right food supplements, to offer professional advice, and to educate people through all these activities.

In addition, we cooperate with both Estonian researchers and doctors and also with Lamberts Healthcare Ltd. clinical advisors to ensure the best possible feedback to our clients.

A supplement should deliver a concentrated dose of a nutrient/herb and the dose should be relevant, otherwise it will be ineffective.

Lamberts Healthcare Ltd. philosophy

Why Lamberts?

Our partner, Lamberts Healthcare Ltd., establisehd in 1982 – is the UK’s leading supplier of specialist dietary supplements to Practitioners and Pharmacists who use nutrition and herbs in healthcare. Today, Lamberts® is part of globally known and recognized group of Procter & Gamble.

Quality and reliability

All Lamberts® products are manufactured in the UK to stringent pharmaceutical standards* of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and approved by the UK Department of Health, the Estonian Agency of Medicines and the Food and Drug Administration, ensuring the purity and effectiveness of the products.

Lamberts®’ production principles are science-centric, developing only products with the right effects, efficiencies and supported by current scientific research.

By using Lamberts® products, you can be sure that you are consuming high-quality products endorsed by professionals in healthcare!

*All food supplements we offer meet the same production standards and quality requirements as over the counter and prescription drugs sold in pharmacies. All food supplements are also defined by the Estonian Medicines Agency and registered with the Veterinary and Food Board. Product registrations are being added at the Latvian and Lithuanian Medicines Agency.

Lamberts basic principles



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