Frequently asked questions

Here we have listed some of the most important and often the most frequently asked questions that may arise in relation to food supplements and how to use them; placing orders in the e-shop; changing and/or cancelling orders.

If you can’t find the answer to your question and you think your question could be helpful to others, please let us know by sending an email to We will answer your question and promise to update the FAQ.

What should I do if I accidentally added the wrong product to my order?
  • Send an email to with your order number and the product you would like to exchange. If the new product is more expensive, the difference will be invoiced. If the new product requested is cheaper than the product to be exchanged, the Customer will have the choice between a gift card or a refund for the amount of the price difference.
  • If the Order has already been bundled and a confirmation letter has been sent to the Customer, MPharma will deduct a handling fee of EUR 5 in the event of a change to the Order.
How should I proceed if I want to add more products to an already placed and paid order?
  • Send an email to with your order number and the product(s) you would like to add to your order. Products added will be invoiced.
Cancellation of an order
  • Send an email to with your order number and an explanation that you wish to cancel the order. Include your name and the account number to which you would like a refund. If the Order is still incomplete, a refund will be issued to the customer within 30 days.
  • If you wish to cancel an Order that has already been bundled and a confirmation letter has been sent to the Customer, MPharma will deduct a handling fee of €5 from the refundable amount.
Return of products
  • You have the right to cancel your order for food supplements within 14 calendar days of placing your order and up to 14 calendar days of receiving the food supplements. It is important that the products are not opened, used or damaged (including damaged packaging, except in transit).
  • For more information on how to make a return, please contact our customer service at or call +372 5650 6025.

Couldn’t find the answer to your question? Never mind, email us at and we’ll answer.