Frequently asked questions

Here we have listed some of the most important and often the most frequently asked questions that may arise in relation to food supplements and how to use them; placing orders in the e-shop; changing and/or cancelling orders.

If you can’t find the answer to your question and you think your question could be helpful to others, please let us know by sending an email to We will answer your question and promise to update the FAQ.

How much does transport cost?

Our products are delivered within Latvia (prices include VAT):

  • Courier (Venipak) – 8.00 €
  • DPD parcel machines – 3.00 €
  • Smartpost parcel machines – 3.00 €
  • Omniva parcel machines – 3.00 €
Can I pick up the order personally?

Unfortunately, we don’t have this option in a separate shopping cart. Of course, we are ready to accommodate you in exceptional cases and we will certainly find a solution together. To do so, please contact our customer service or +372 5650 6025.

Couldn’t find the answer to your question? Never mind, email us at and we’ll answer.